Wednesday, March 9, 2011

B update

So my our B has been sick, very sick at times.  She lost 16 lbs in two months and was having terrible cramps and other things.  The Dr did a Colonascopy and found that her whole colon was infected and ulcers where all over...I saw the pictures, it was everywhere.  So the verdict, ulcerative colitis.  Which is an infection of the colon which is chronic, means she will always have to deal with this in some form.  Right now though we are giving her meds including steroids to help her get to remission.  Yes they use those words, DISEASE, REMISSION, CHRONIC.  Crazy how our girl was healthy during Christmas and now she has a chronic disease.  Anyway she is feeling much better with the meds and should be in remission soon, knock on wood.

1 comment:

Clarissa said...

Oh man, poor thing! We will keep her in our prayers. Matt's dad has to deal with something similar. Hope she is feeling better this week!