Saturday, September 17, 2011


So here it is.  Yesterday we went back to her GPA(B's UC Dr) and they are fast tracking her off the steroids because she is doing well.  Yeah, BUT that's what happened last time, so even though she is doing better I know the next time it happens we are going to do the third stage which includes blood work, possible hospital stays, etc.  There is a slightly higher risk of cancer BUT in the long run it has been known to help those who are steroid Dependant.  Which is what the Dr will classify her if she cannot stay in remission.  Think Happy thoughts...repeat often!

Cole is AWESOME, he is the sweetest, smartest 6 year old I know.  He is thriving in first grade and recieving high marks in everything.  He also started karate, or a type of Korien marshall arts class and loves it!  He also starts swimming on tuesday.

Gus is something else,  what else do I need to say.  He's busy, loves the dog more then us I think lately.  He started prek two weeks ago and thursday he said I have to stay, they need me.  Love him lots.

Final note:  Rob is taking me to see Les Mis on Tuesday for our anniversary.  Also this week he makes his final student loan payment!  Yay us.  He is still working on his masters though...another two years!

Me, not much, homeschooling Isabella, trying to keep up with everything else, running errands, etc and still able to hit the gym 3-5 days a week...yay me.  Sorry no picture;)

Friday, September 2, 2011


It's wonderful knowing that he'll love me through eternity because of the promises we made to each other over 11 years ago as we kneeled across the alter from each other.  So the end is never the end!