So here it is and only 12 more days til school starts for my kiddos...I will have two in school and I don't want them to go back...this is the first summer ever that I have been loving this time with my children. They have been good for the most part not much complaining and C has really grown up this summer...he is so ready for Kindergarten. Then I only have G home but I will be busy because I have been guilt-ed into PTA again and really I love it but the computer work and since I am in charge of membership that is all computers. crazy right? Also I am trying to complete a home renovation so I will love it and then sell it to someone else who loves it...sounds silly right? I know, but there are other reasons and not willing to go into it all. We've had a lovely summer and I just wanted you to know...really I'd home school if I thought some young miss would listen to me and I not be too scared that this is the year she will pass me in her math skills. Sorry it has been awhile since my last post and the coming post will have pictures from this summers wonderful adventures...R has to upload the's a computer thing...I know I don't even text!