Thursday, February 23, 2017

{B250} Google Ad words

We are working on getting our ads up this week.  It was an interesting beginning because I was not sure what was truly wanted and I am horrible at communicating sometimes.  This is one of those weeks.  But I have awesome classmates and thankfully because of them I did the assignments well and figured out and learned a bit better of ad words through google ads.  I am getting my website ready to  launch and sell and that is exciting.

It has been a slow week on the school front and that is good, everywhere else, is crazy busy and I am sick and struggling to decide when I can go get a bum shot to make me feel better.  I just want to sleep, but there are classes and school meetings and assemblies and board meeting, doctor appointments and practices, scouts and young women and church.  So I pick myself up, grab a box of tissue, say apologies occasionally, have Rob make cereal and sandwiches this week.  I think tonight is take out pizza.  Sometimes we just hang in there and that is ok.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

{Keywords} B250,

It has been an interesting week.  We are getting there.  Things are going great.  I don't think I'm struggling with the work but with the everything else
.  Life is getting in the way of school or is it that school is getting in the way of life.  My B is going through stuff and we haven't told her.  School and callings are busy and I just want to be done with school.  

But this always happens mid through a semester for me.  So last week I started my online business.  I'm not ready to share that, yet and this week we are working with Adwords and working through keyword planner portion and  there is so much and it is a bit over whelming to understand and I want to understand.  It is important that I know it.  One of my other class is talking about integrity and honesty and really I love these subjects and the material to read this week is gospel inspired for business.  I don't know any other school that does this.  It means so much to me.

In adwords we are learning what good and bad words and how they can help or hurt us.  I found out that there is a show on HBO called Vinyl.  That could hurt me, that is a bad keyword.  But I found many good words also.

A couple of quotes I wish to end with came from one of my other class readings.  "Honesty is more than not lying.  It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living and truth loving." (" Honesty-A Mora Compass", Ensign, Nov 1996, pg 41)

In "The Choice", President Packard says, "Be good!"  (Oct. 1980 General Conference)

And in "Making a Living and a Life", Elder Lynn G. Robbins, talks about grading of businesses, teachers, lives and what that entails.  An A business has loyalty to God and fellow me and money second and so on, what a good read.

All in all keep your head up and press forward, look to Heavenly Father for guidance in all things and don't forget to look back to see how far you've come.

This a picture I think I saw it at my Aunts home.  It touch me.   I hope it touches you.

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Freaking me out.  My head is spinning and I think I am getting a migraine headache.  I just wanted to do a little online crafting business.  Make enough money now to take a nice vacation once in a while.  But, crazy, I need a business license, a EIN number and possibly a seller permit and county licenses.  Freaking out right now...maybe I bit off too much but than that means I don't get to do any of it and this is why I am in business school, to help myself and my family, in the future.  I think it really comes down to not wanting to make a mistake.  I don't want to get it wrong and I don't want to get into trouble if I do get it wrong.
This is how I feel.  But I need to remember this...
Yep just in case.  So I need to get my booty off the floor, grab some chocolate and get back to it!  And these are why I'm doing it!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

{wk 5} B250 Create & Truth

Really most of my thoughts have been on other classes this week.  Do you know that an average brain weighs about 3 pounds.  That still makes me giggle.  I am excited to make my website and tomorrow with only a little work left to do I should get most of it set up the way I'd like.  This is a business plan that I have been waiting for for some time and the fact that I get to do it as part of my class is even better.  I have looked at PayPal and adding a shipping calculator.  I think that is important.  It may be hard to do and I may just have to use a flat shipping rate.  Some things that have happened is President Trump has been in office for a few days now and so much controversy.  A great talk to listen or read is, What is Truth, by President Uchdorf.  It goes along perfect with the situation with the country.  Also our teacher posted this great video by President Uchdorf (above)

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

